"It Runs in the Family" by Ray Cooney - November 2012

Directed by Sue Terry

Production Manager Christine Harbidge

The Cast (in order of appearance)

Dr. David Mortimore

Jon Jones

Dr. Mike Connolly

Phil Hawyes

Rosemary Mortimore

Sian Bernard

Dr. Hubert Bonney

David Darby


Val Petty

Sir Willoughby Drake Ian Johnson *
Jane Tate Sarah Taylor
Leslie Tom Spencer
Sister Leah O'Regan
Police Sergeant Bill Sylvester
Bill Lesley Alan Haydock


Annette Ayres

*Ian took over with just a few days to go from Stan Harbidge who was taken ill.
Matron arrives


The action of the play takes place in the Doctors common room in St. Andrews Hospital. Dr David Mortimore is about to address a neurologists' convention, which will probably earn him a knighthood. While putting the final touches to his speech an old flame, Jane Tate, arrives and announces that their liaison years ago resulted in a son, Leslie, who is downstairs desperate to meet his dad. Frantic to hide this catastrophic news from his wife and the hospital authorities, David is forced to invent not one but two non-existent husbands for Jane and enlist the help of his colleague Hubert Bonney. Events are further complicated by the presence of a police sergeant, a wandering senile patient, an assortment of matrons (real and otherwise), a syringe full of tranquilizer and the costumes for the hospital pantomime!

Act 1

A morning in December


Act 2

Immediately afterwards

Her husband died!

The Production Team

Stage Manager

Bob Terry


Sally Anderson


Carol Radford

  Val Rushworth

Sound & Lighting

Clive Holland


Terry Hall

Set Design 

Sue Terry

  Bob Terry

Set Construction

Bob Terry

  John Cryer
  Group Members


Jon Jones


Annette Ayres

Ticket Sales / FoH

Christine Harbidge


Lynne Holland


Sara Sylvester

What are you doing?
He's got the syringe! Matron in wheelchair